Sudoku Puzzle! Help

Table of Contents


The selection of a Difficulty level indicates how hard it will be to solve the Sudoku puzzle. The more difficult the level, the harder it will be to figure out which numbers go into the empty blocks. Note: More difficult levels do not necessarily mean less blocks will be pre-filled in the initial puzzle.

Puzzle ID

Often you may want to share a specific puzzle or print a puzzle solution some time after the original puzzle was created. This can be done by using a puzzle ID. A puzzle ID is a six (6) character identifier that represents a specific Sudoku puzzle that was previously created. You can obtain a unique puzzle ID by viewing your original puzzle; it is located in the bottom-left corner of the puzzle (e.g. MWYJKK). When you input a puzzle ID, select the Puzzle or Solution option, then click the Generate button to create the solution puzzle. Note: When a puzzle ID is used, the Difficulty level is ignored as your puzzle ID already includes this information.


The Generate button allows you to create your Sudoku puzzle. Once you have selected your Difficulty level or Puzzle ID, you may select one of the following choices below and then click the Generate button.


Each time you click the Generate button you will get the same Sudoku puzzle. If you would like to create other unique puzzles, then you can click the Reshuffle button. Once you click Reshuffle, you click the Generate button once more to generate another unique puzzle. There is no limit to the number of times you can reshuffle to create additional unique puzzles.

How to play Sudoku

A standard Sudoku puzzle consists of a grid of 9 blocks. Each block contains 9 boxes arranged in 3 rows and 3 columns. You can view a detailed explanation on how to play Sudoku on Wikipedia.

When a puzzle is complete, the solved Sudoku puzzle appears as shown (white blocks are the ones filled in to solve the puzzle):

Example puzzle